Heating Boost for all French Households
Heating, overall renovation project; the so-called energy “heating boost” bonuses make it possible for French households to finance selected energy renovation work. If you want to replace your oil, gas or wood heating system with a more energy-efficient one, you can benefit from the “Heating Boost” scheme without income restrictions.
The Heating Boost bonus helps finance energy-saving work and improvements. Since 2019, all households can benefit from it, whether they are owners or tenants (in the latter case, with the landlords’ agreement), and for both primary residences and secondary residences.
This scheme concerns the following improvements:
- installation of an efficient biomass boiler
- installation of an air/water, water/water or hybrid heat pump
- installation of a combined solar system
- connection to a heating network powered by renewable energies (ENR&R)
- installation of a high-performance wood heater
Please note: the bonus can be combined with other aid such as the zero-rate Eco-loan (eco-PTZ) and MaPrimeRénov. Read the full article to learn more about the entire scheme.
What are the resource ceilings for low-income households?
The scheme is not means-tested, but benefits are determined based on household resources, with higher premiums for those with fewer resources. The income considered is the reference tax income for 2022, for requests made in 2024.
The income threshold to calculate the Heating Boost in 2024
Take a look at the two tables presented below, one for the entirety of France and the other for Paris and its surrounding region, living costs in this area are higher. It’s worth noting that it is possible to benefit from the scheme even if your income exceeds the stated ceiling amounts.
People per Household in Île-de-France
- 1 person – 28,657 €uros
- 2 persons – 42,058 €uros
- 3 persons – 50,513 €uros
- 4 persons – 58,981 €uros
- 5 persons – 67,473 €uros
- 6 persons – add 8,486 €uros
People per Household in the rest of France
- 1 person – 21,805 €uros
- 2 persons – 31,889 €uros
- 3 persons – 38,349 €uros
- 4 persons – 44,802 €uros
- 5 persons – 51,281 €uros
- 6 persons + 6,462 €uros
Find the updated amounts and the terms and conditions for benefiting from the “Heating Boost” scheme on the Service-Public website.
So that you know, payment of the aid is subject to a specific date condition. The work must commence no later than December 31, 2025, and be completed by December 31, 2026.
Finally, remember these incentives are paid by companies (mainly energy suppliers) signatories to the “Heating Boost” charter as part of the energy savings certificate system. They must offer households a range of offers covering at least one of the actions to improve heating in their property in France. For more information, visit the Service-Public website.