What is a SIRET number?
SIRET number stands for Système d’Identification du Répertoire des Entreprises et de leurs Etablissements). The SIRET is a unique 14 digit code issued by the INSEE, it serves as a geo-identifier for businesses.
Research the provider before enquiring
If you require work done by artisans or professionals, you should check the validity of the service provider’s SIRET number. A valid SIRET number ensures the business is duly registered and licensed in France.
When checking a SIRET number online, we like to use Manageo.fr or Societe.com. We use the company name, the owners’ or directors’ name or the SIRET number when we have it.
How do I find an artisans SIRET number?
The easiest and quickest way to find a SIRET number is to look on the service provider’s website. It can be found in the ‘mentions légales‘ section, which features legal information about the business. If the artisan doesn’t have a website, check if they have a Facebook page, or they could be listed on other directories. A paper invoice should also feature the SIRET number if you can find one.
What is a SIREN number in France?
Some online resources enable searching on the shorter version of the SIRET number called the SIREN number, which is made of 9 digits. To find the SIREN number from the SIRET, extract the first 9 digits of the SIRET; the last five make up the NIC number (internal classification number).
What does SIRET ‘en cours’ mean?
In the case of a recently registered business or if the INSEE database has not been updated, you might read SIRET ‘en cours‘. This simply means the SIRET number is being created; you will be notified when it is ready. This process doesn’t take long, provided the business is registered with the Centre de Formalités des Entreprises (CFE).
How much does a SIRET number cost?
SIRET numbers are free when a company is registered with the SIRENE directory, following registration with CFE.